Our Digital Credentials Management Application helps Education Institutes, Training Providers, Academies, Universities, Companies to manage their credentials and badges and make their brand in digital presence.
You can generate Tamper proof certficates with Green Blockchain.
upload and generate certificate in a bulk in a hassle-free.
No Thridparty is required for verification and able to check the credentials in our application.
TechArima offers blockchain enviornment for students for learning and practicing labs and also provide developer instance for developers for running the POC or projects in Blockchain.
Get your node and do hand-on with smart contract in Ethereum, Algorand and Hyperledger Fabric.
Create nodes and set up consortia in just a few clicks.
Our highly qualified technical experts will help you to build Dapp and deploy a blockchain solutions
We will be clarifiing all your queries, feel free to contact us.
Vist our Product website and Gain Early Access.